Sunday 4 August 2019

One Monthly Goal for August

     Apart from the heat, it's hard to believe it's August.  July just seems to have flown buy.  I guess that's because we were pretty busy.  August is also getting off to a busy start. This is a long weekend where we live and the start of a one week vacation for Dwight and I.  We are going to the zoo with my son and his family on Monday.  Then we are heading north and east to spend time in the countryside finishing up with a visit to the big city to visit our daughter.
     Because I'm away from the sewing machine for a week I've decided to choose a fairly simple project as my OMG for August.

     These are the blocks I received in Sisterhood  swap.  My goal is to sew them together.  This goal should go quickly apart from the fact that I am having trouble lining up the arms.  Also I have a lot of other projects I'm working on at the same time.  What can I say, that's me.  If I manage to get this little piece quilted I will be really happy, but I am not counting on that.  I have too many irons in the fire.  Linking with Patty at Elm Street Quilts for the August OMG linkup.


searsportquilter said...

Give them something to hold in their hands.

Chantal said...

These blocks do look like a hard challenge. Ouch! Good luck with that. I believe Searsportquilter has a great solution. Hopefully, it will work for you. Enjoy the vacation! ;^)

Shelina said...

These blocks are so cute!

piecefulwendy said...

Such cute blocks, and I love how they piece together. I'm sure you'll figure out something with those arms. Maybe you could baste the arm intersections first, then finish the seam? Will be fun to see your finish!

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

Enjoy your vacation. The blocks looks great.

Susan said...

I really like the addition of the heads and arms to make it people. Sew them together, let the hands fall where they may, and see if it needs something else. It might not!

Stitchin At Home said...

Those blocks are adorable! If you can't match them maybe a narrow strip between each block.

Paige said...

These are adorable. In replying to searsportquilter...once the block is pieced you could applique little hearts over the joining hands.

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

That is one super cute block!!! Have a great time at the zoo!

Preeti said...

These blocks are so adorable - kinda like the International Sisters. If I had these blocks, I'd drop everything and make it :-) I can see that matching their arms may require some finagling. Wishing you good luck in achieving your OMG.

Patty said...

So sweet - thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck on your project.