Tuesday, 3 May 2016

One Main Goal for May

     I did not manage to finish my goal for April although I did move towards my goal of completing the blocks for the graduated cross quilt.  Here's a pile of the striped components for the blocks.

  That's what I managed to finish by the end of April.  Since then I have made the middle components of the blocks and have started sewing the rows of components together.   This is a lot of production sewing which is not my favourite way to sew.  I am however making great progress so  rather than having completing the blocks as my May goal, I'm going to up the ante and go for completing the quilt top.  This may be a mistake on my part but I might as well aim big.

     Speaking of One Monthly Goals.  I won a prize in March.  On Monday this wonderful package arrived from Heidi at Red Letter Quilts.  She hosts the OMG linkup in case you don't know.

     I was very excited to win the book Machine Quilting with Style by Christa Watson of Christa Quilts.  This was a perfect book to add to my quilting book collection as I have started quilting pretty much all my own quilts now and I can use all the help I can get.  Christa's book is full of lots of great ideas and I can't wait to try some of them out.  It's also got some pretty interesting quilt patterns to try out as well.

     Heidi also included this sweet little card purse which she made which was a nice added touch.  Here's a closer photo of it.

     This made the package even more special.  Thanks so much Heidi.  If you would like to see the other great gift I received in the mail from Yvonne, on the same day go here.

     I'm linking up to OMG for May with Heidi at  Red Letter Quilts and with Lorna at Lets Bee Social.


Deb@newcreativestate.wordpress.com said...

Congratulations on your March win Lisa and good luck with achieving your May goal! I'm seriously considering making an OMG for May although I'm really unsure that I can achieve it. I guess one can only try!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

How lovely of Heide to include the purse; what a nice detail. I love seeing the stack of gradated blues for your graduated plus quilt top. I hope you have a productive May and I look forward to celebrating a finished quilt top with you. :)

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

Good luck! Can't wait to hear your review of the book.

Beth @ Cooking Up Quilts said...

What a wonderful prize to win! Good luck on your goal for this month - you can do it!! :)

Susan said...

Oh, I know you can do it! Beautiful colors! desertskyquilts.wordpress.com

Cheryl said...

Good luck on your goal for this month, I really like the colors you are using.

Little Black Cat Quilting said...

I'm excited to see this quilt top come together, I love those colors! And I've heard many good things about that book, lucky you for winning it! :)

Stitchin At Home said...

What a lovely prize and the addition of the little card holder extra special.

Tish Stemple said...

Love those colors. Can't wait to see how the quilt comes together. Congrats on your March Win. That really is a great book.

Allison said...

Really nice color combo. I often get a little bored too when I work on a lot of production sewing. I see the benefit, but often boredom gets the better of me and then I have to flip to something else.

Congrats on your win... this looks like a really interesting book, especially since I only do walking foot quilting.

Heidi said...

Can not wait to see your blocks come together!
Great to see that the book survived it's journey and is well-received in your reference library!

Louise said...

Congrats on winning a prize! Looks like a really good reference book.

Your graduated cross quilt is going to be gorgeous. I'm selfishly hoping you'll finish it this month so I can drool over it :)

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful prize!!! I get bored when I have to make many of the same unit so I understand your pain. I'm sure you'll meet your goal in May, often a finished top is motivation enough to get it done!

helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

go girl go with your production line. Sometimes its the way to get things done, though sore on the shoulders. Congrats on the prize. Always exciting to see a parcel come through the post .

the zen quilter said...

I know what you mean about repetitiveness, but in the end you'll have a pretty cool piece...i love the colors.

June D said...

Great colors! Nice win too!

June D said...

Great colors! Nice win too!